Monday, May 6, 2013

The List: Spring Happenings

Happy Monday! I hope you are all doing well :)

Although I love the weather and floral prints that accompany Spring, I am so ready for it to be over. My allergies have gone haywire - my nose is stuffed up, I'm sneezing all over the place, and I'm blowing my nose like crazy. I know, not a pretty picture to imagine. I refuse to stay cooped up inside, so I've chosen four things that I want to accomplish by the time summer arrives. (Don't mind that these things can all be done indoors ...)

1. Try new nail art.
I love painting my nails, but I always stick to only one color. (I have done floral nails and cupcake nails before though!) These don't look too difficult to re-create, and they're using my two favorite Spring colors - coral and mint!

2. Utilize my Moleskine notebook.
I haven't received it yet, but it's going to arrive by Thursday! I want to document ideas and series to start, and maybe even draw a little bit. I have browsed a fair number of design blogs and they have inspired me to practice my writing "skills."

3. Start a book on blogging.
I'll be honest, I only bought this book because I saw it on Savannah (from Maiedae)'s Instagram. But it is written by a successful blogger, Joy from oh joy!, so I trust that it will give me some insight on how to better my blogging.

4. Create a running plan.
I have never been consistent with running. I mostly did it during my first two years of college so I could lose weight, but after I got a job at American Eagle and lost ten pounds while working, all my motivation has gone down the drain. I don't eat healthy either, so you can see where this is going. I just want to start running again, but also continue and not just stop after a week.

What are four things you hope to do before summer starts?


  1. Blog Inc. is a fairly good read - it's pretty basic at the beginning but it gets better about halfway through :) Love the new look by the way, can't wait to see your blog when the redesign is completed!

  2. Very nice nail art! This is a very nice color, mint nails look great.

    Cheers, Kelsey.

  3. the nail art looks great! and I've never heard a book on successful blogging before, hmm, gotta check that out too!
